
From Our Point of View

Product Launches Are Never Done

Oh, the product launch… one of the sexiest jobs of a marketing professional. Months of planning goes into getting ready for the big unveil. After that, everyone pats each other on the back and moves on to the next thing on his or her to-do list.

But, what happens if the people who you engineered this great new product for were too busy to pay attention to your big news? Just because you launched something does not mean your customer knows about it.

That’s why it’s time to get back to work. A product launch is never done.

It is time to replace the word “launch” with “marathon.” To reach all of your potential customers, it’s going to take a lot of time and effort — just ask your sales team. A good start out of the blocks will give you momentum, but you still have to finish the race.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you’re planning your next product marathon:

  • When your creative team is brainstorming fun ways to introduce your new product to the world, set aside some time to talk about what you’re going to do when the initial buzz dies down.

  • Also, leave some room in the budget for continuing on your marketing efforts after the initial push. Too many marketers spend all of their resources on the launch and have nothing left for the follow-up. Don’t be that person.

  • With so many ways available to reach your customers, it’s important to use as many communications channels as possible to get the word out.

  • A lot of product launches happen at tradeshows. Remember you have a lot more customers working that day than you do at the trade show and walking around your booth.

  • Make sure your dealers or distributors are informed and presenting the same message as you are. Give them all the materials they need to get the job done. When the big unveil is over, they are your best resource for reaching new customers.

Now — get back to work!!